Dave 2023 Idents

A set of brand new updatable idents to accompany the Dave refresh.

Continuing our mission to take the brand into our audience’s daily life each of the idents was set in a relatable, familiar environment – a train station, a gym, a car journey and a football field.  Working against the typical way in which broadcast idents work – a limited set of extremely high budget assets that get produced and then played over and over until the next rebrand – these were designed to be more economical to execute, meaning we can quickly and easily generate a larger suite of assets, and incorporate space for updatable contextual copy and images to keep entertaining and avoid wear out.  It also means we can be reactive, foreground the new logo and flex the idents for stunts and seasons.  The idents were conceived and executed in-house by UKTV Creative.

Creative Manager – Paul Philpott
Director – Rob Pirouet
Producer – Genevieve Sligcher
Post – Jam FX